--- Comment #32 from Duncan <> ---
So FWIW I've been switching to plasma-wayland over the last couple weeks.  It's
usable in general and I'm basically switched over now, but it's definitely
still rather raw compared to plasma-X.

Unfortunately this bug exists on wayland as well.  =:^(  Tho that's not
entirely surprising since even if a fix is easier on wayland they're still
working on feature-comparability and debugging so haven't extended much.

Of course my script doesn't work on wayland since it uses X-based tools.

So after I get a bit more settled in I may try again with the patches.  The
script did increase my understanding, so even if nobody chooses to run it, it
was worth it.

Meanwhile, in terms of "not possible", I believe the context is "within
standards" (net-WM, aka xdg, etc).  As far as I've
read/deduced, the basic desktop standards don't really deal with how internal
"struts" (the logical edge features panels attach to) are supposed to be
handled in auto-hide terms, and maintaining compatibility is a high enough
priority it limits flexibility.  Certain other window-managers/desktops don't
place that sort of priority on standards or indeed ignore them pretty much
entirely, and they don't have those limits.

And the standards make some sense for truly internal struts.  If there's no
edge to bash the pointer against because the display extends to the next
screen, it gets pretty hard to define a usable in all cases autohide/autoshow
behavior that's universal enough to be standardized.

The problem is offsets when monitor resolutions differ and/or when displays are
set logically diagonal to each other, only joined by a corner (my preferred
setup when I had a 4K and a FHD monitor and arguably still my preferred setup
with dual 4Ks, were it not for bugs such as this).  In those cases "internal"
struts are still pointer-stopping in the offset areas where there's no
neighbor-monitor for the pointer to continue onto, and thus should be able to
host autohide panels just fine.  Unfortunately due to bugs such as this...  But
the standards don't deal with it, so anything that allows it at minimum has
potential interoperability issues.

One would hope that wayland can deal with that even if X hasn't/can't, but I
don't know what the wayland standards status is in that regard, and even if
it's allowed or even specced out, as described above, plasma-wayland is still
immature and incomplete/buggy enough that just getting comparable operability
first is, and should be, higher priority.

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