--- Comment #8 from Thorsten Glaser <> ---
(In reply to Andre Heinecke from comment #7)
> > PGP Inline is perfectly fine standardised: the display agent has to use the 
> > charset indicated by the PGP
> > message, and discard any charset/encoding information of the surrounding 
> > message.
> No it's not. Especially the Encoding handling is very problematic and not
> standardised. See:  (

It is, and especially the encoding is trivial. It’s just often misunderstood or
implemented wrong.
Citing someone who doesn’t fully understand it doesn’t help (I knew that

Inline PGP is easy: the MIME-level encoding is valid for the “outer” part of
the message; for
example, if MIME says quoted-printable then those ‘=’ in the ASCII armour of
the PGP message
are encoded as “=3D”.

The “inner” part of the message, i.e. the output of pgp/gpg decrypting it, is
independent of the MIME message surrounding it, and for displaying it, *only*
the rules
that the command-line utilities use are valid; this means, that the
OpenPGP-level encoding
is used (which is always 8bit not quoted-printable or base64, and in absence of
an explicit
charset selection is UTF-8).

The reason for this is easy: Inline PGP works, basically (i.e. without explicit
MUA support),
by someone writing a plaintext file, throwing that through pgp or gpg, and
that into their MUA’s composer. Anything an MUA does to integrate Inline PGP
*must* behave *exactly the same*.

> Basically your Mail says that it's ASCII Encoded but then actually has UTF-8
> encoding in the content after decryption. I would argue that this is not a

See above, “after decryption” when Inline PGP is used means you *have* to
*forget* anything from the previous container.

Yes, this is different than what PGP/MIME requires. Yes, both are right, for
their respective scopes.

> KMail bug but that your Mail is broken. For proper encoding Handling you
> need to use PGP/MIME. One of the Advantages of PGP/MIME is proper encoding

This sounds half like a sales pitch, half like “KMail doesn’t handle encoding
Inline PGP correctly” – which is *exactly my point*.

> GnuPG / GPGME itself does not do any reencoding it just decrypts the "bytes"
> of the message.

It does *record* the charset of the message.

> As a "workaround" / to improve compatibility with broken MUA's I like
> Sandro's idea to treat PGP Messages as UTF-8 if the specified Charset is
> 7Bit ASCII. I think that would be a good solution to fix your bug.

That would help in the specific case, but still leave KMail a broken MUA
claiming to support Inline PGP and not doing it correctly.

However, as a first step, it’s okay; please do so. Actually, why haven’t
you done so yet…

> Although I would suggest to use a proper MUA with PGP/MIME support.

No, PGP/MIME often breaks, interestingly enough, with encoding-related
issues, and with mailing lists. Its interoperability is also limited to MUAs
supporting it, whereas interoperability of Inline PGP is maximal.

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