--- Comment #9 from Ian Wadham <> ---
It has been some time since I wrote comment 5,, but I have not been able to
reproduce this bug nor have I been able to diagnose it by reading the code.
This bug and its duplicates appear to be due to a race condition between mouse
events involved in drag-and-drop and a QAnimation invoked when it is decided
that pieces that fit have been dragged close enough together to be merged.
During the merge, the objects (type Piece) representing pieces to merge are
deleted and a new Piece object is created. If the race condition occurs, a
deleted Piece can be referenced while processing a mouse event or while making
an animation move --- as seen in the crash reports.

These crashes used to be quite common and I used to experience them myself when
playing Palapeli. However, Palapeli saves its state every two seconds, so a
"hot" recovery from the crashes was always available. That said, I have not
experienced such a crash for several years nor have I seen one reported

Therefore I can only conclude that the crashes have "gone away" due to some
change in Qt, such as delaying the timing of QObject::deleteLater().

So, indeed yes, please change the status of this bug and all related bugs to

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