--- Comment #11 from Colin Griffith <> ---
This might be considered another bug, but another issue with this redesign is
that the 'remove' button only appears when you hover the mouse over it. So when
you're removing a bunch of them at once, you can't keep your mouse still and
keep clicking, as the 'hover' event doesn't seem to fire until you've clicked
once or jitter the mouse a bit.

I don't see any reason for the buttons to hide themselves. It's not friendly
for touch screens, as you don't know where to touch. It's not friendly for
mice, as you don't know where to hover your mouse until you try to. When you do
hover over an entry, it looks weird for only one of them to have a button and
the rest not to.

The fact that they highlight when you hover, and then change color when you
click, makes it seem like SOMEthing should happen when you click... But nothing
does. Clicking an entry does not result in any action being performed. You
can't even select them, as they're not selectable items.


It might be my headache talking (not related to this; I've had this headache
for a while), or I might just be resistant to change. I'm sorry if I sound
overly harsh, I really don't mean to.

I just don't understand the purpose behind the redesign, and every time I look
at any of it to see if there's a tiny bit of, "Oh, well at least that's nicer
than before," I just find more things I disagree with (or perhaps am just not
used to? Like I say, I maybe the headache is talking).

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