--- Comment #14 from Luc <> ---
OK, just gave it a shot. Mostly good news...

So it appears that it now recognizes pen pressure! Hooray! So things seem to be


1. There is a huge lag, I'm hoping it's because of your comments that it's
supposed to be slow and will be fixed once it's finalized properly. I've
actually submitted a different request a while back (December) about pen lag
but that was using the Pixelbook pen. Wacom WAS super fast but definitely isn't
anymore. Anyways, just want to make sure this is expected in this prelim

2. The bigger issue left is that no matter what, I have a black mouse cursor
present. I can see the brush, but it also has a stuck mouse cursor on top of
the canvas. That mouse cursor would need to be removed when you're in the
canvas area but reappear when you leave the canvas so when you access menus and
such, it would work.

But awesome that you got the pen pressure working! Once the basic bugs have
been ironed out, I'll get my wife to actually try it. She's the actual artist
and is quite proficient with Krita. She'll better be able to evaluate if
everything behaves as an artist would want. I'm just the "tech brains" in the
family. lol

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