--- Comment #2 from Sébastien P. <> ---
Created attachment 135334
A very dirty fix

I tried to analyze a bit. Without the knowledge of Qt/C++… a bit difficult^^.
It looks like new grid system use a Unit not listed in 
Formatter::formatValue cases. So it goes to default one “value.toString();”
(Formatter.cpp line 319 in master branch).
=> So I change the default to use formatNumber function. I do not know the
impacts… but works fine for me.
=> It looks like also that the grid value is not a QVariant double. So, I add a
dirty parameter (I did not find where I can change the type properly…)

With my usage of applets. Only load average and disk usage are affect by that.

diff --git a/formatter/Formatter.cpp b/formatter/Formatter.cpp
index 29ef6a6..17d8d6d 100644
--- a/formatter/Formatter.cpp
+++ b/formatter/Formatter.cpp
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ static Unit adjustedUnit(qreal value, Unit unit,
MetricPrefix prefix)
     return Unit(prefix + baseUnit);

-static QString formatNumber(const QVariant &value, Unit unit, MetricPrefix
prefix, FormatOptions options)
+static QString formatNumber(const QVariant &value, Unit unit, MetricPrefix
prefix, FormatOptions options, bool forceDouble)
     qreal amount = value.toDouble();

@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static QString formatNumber(const QVariant &value, Unit
unit, MetricPrefix prefi
         amount /= std::pow(unitOrder(unit), adjusted - unit);

-    const int precision = (value.type() != QVariant::Double && adjusted <=
unit) ? 0 : 1;
+    const int precision = (value.type() != QVariant::Double && adjusted <=
unit && !forceDouble) ? 0 : 1;
     const QString text = QLocale().toString(amount, 'f', precision);

     return unitFormat(adjusted).subs(text).toString();
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ QString Formatter::formatValue(const QVariant &value, Unit
unit, MetricPrefix ta
     case UnitVolt:
     case UnitWatt:
     case UnitSecond:
-        return formatNumber(value, unit, targetPrefix, options);
+        return formatNumber(value, unit, targetPrefix, options, false);

     case UnitBootTimestamp:
         qCWarning(FORMATTER) << "UnitBootTimestamp is deprecated and is not
formatted anymore";
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ QString Formatter::formatValue(const QVariant &value, Unit
unit, MetricPrefix ta
         return formatTime(value);

-        return value.toString();
+        return formatNumber(value, unit, targetPrefix, options, true);

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