--- Comment #27 from MarcP <> ---
Nice mockup.

For me, the most important part of the Properties would be an intuitive way to
display the tags. In my case, I use plenty of tags in a tree, so an easy way to
display that information would allow me not needing to go to the Captions/Tags
panel all the time unless I want to edit them. But as I said, sometimes I have
5 o 6 levels of tags, so showing them as a list of words separated by commas
would look cluttered in a moment.

Maybe showing only the first and last tag of the tree in case the hierarchy is
too long?

e.g.: "Taxonomy / ... / Canis lupus familiaris" instead of
"Taxonomy/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Canidae/Canis/Canis lupus

and "Location / ... / New York City" instead of "Location/United States/New
York/New York City"

Overall, it could look a bit like this:

Animal / Cat
Animal / Dog
Taxonomy / ... / Canis lupus familiaris
Taxonomy / ... / Felis silvestris catus
People / John Smith
People / Helga Donelan
Location / ... / New York

And when you hover the mouse over one of these tags, it would show the entire
tree path.

I don't know, I'm just brainstorming.

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