--- Comment #5 from Eike Hein <> ---
^ The reason I asked #3 is because the Eclipse installer didn't put a .desktop
file into ~/.local for me, so I don't have Eclipse in the menu at all.

I'm surprised the behavior is different from Plasma 5.6, because the heuristic
that tries to derive a launcher from window metadata hasn't changed hugely.

Anyway, so on my side I get this in xprop for the Eclipse window:

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Eclipse", "Eclipse"

This is good. If I had an Eclipse.desktop file like you do, it would be found
and used for the launcher URL. Everything should then work as one would want it

I admit I also have some trouble understanding your first paragraph though, it
gets a bit confusing to follow. Could you reformat the exact order of events in
chronological bullets, and be a bit harder on your terminology going by the
following explanation: A launcher is what's shown before a window appears. When
a window appears, a launcher should be replaced by the window. When the window
is closed, it should be replaced by the launcher. I need to know the exact
sequence of when that intended behavior breaks down, and how.

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