--- Comment #7 from ---
Thanks a lot for looking it! After you tried it, I realised that the problem is
due to me using Caps Lock as Ctrl. When using the actual Ctrl key, I get the
correct behavior: releasing the Ctrl key switches the tab as expected.

Having said that, I remapped Caps Lock to Ctrl in the KDE System Settings app
(see the attached screenshot). And I believe that the issue is that while Caps
Lock acts as Ctrl when pressing the key, it doesn't do so when *releasing* the
key, which is verified by the incorrect behavior in Firefox and VS Code
applications that utilise releasing of Ctrl.

I tried remapping Caps Lock to Ctrl with the command `setxkbmap -option
ctrl:nocaps` and I get correct behavior when releasing the key. So I still
believe it's a problem that needs to be addressed on the KDE side, in the
System Settings for keyboard.

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