--- Comment #3 from ---
Troubleshooting with guesswork...


Create a testfile in a folder that baloo is indexing

    echo "somestrangetext" > ~/Documents/one-two-three.txt

Confirm that baloo has seen it

    balooshow -x ~/Documents/one-two-three.txt
    Internal Info
    Terms: Mplain Mtext T5 T8 X20-1 somestrangetext
    File Name Terms: Fone Fthree Ftwo Ftxt
    XAttr Terms:
    lineCount: 1

Notice that the "File Name Terms" holds the filename split on the hyphens...

Concentrate on the baloosearch results, check:

    baloosearch "o"
    baloosearch "one"
    baloosearch "one-tw"
    baloosearch "one-two"

and compare:

    baloosearch "o"
    baloosearch "one"
    baloosearch "one tw"
    baloosearch "one two"


Baloosearch doesn't return what might be a very long list of hits if you search
for a single character, the search for "o" gives nothing. You need to give two
characters or more...

Baloosearch seems to split the search string into parts, search for each and do
an implicit 'AND'

    baloosearch "one two"

is a

    baloosearch "one AND two"

and, as it is an AND, it doesn't matter about the order of the parts, so:

    baloosearch "two one"

also works.

Baloosearch also seems to handle searches with truncated search terms

    baloosearch "one AND tw"

but the 'implicit AND' means that a

    baloosearch "one AND t"

doesn't return anything

When baloosearch is given a concatenated string, as in "one-two", it looks as
if it does a further comparison to give a more exact match

    baloosearch "one-two"

gives the same as

    baloosearch "one two"


    baloosearch "two-one"

doesn't find a match.


    baloosearch "one-tw"

fails to find matches


1.. Searches for single characters such as "t" in

        baloosearch "one t"

    is not dropped as "potentially returning too many results"

2.. A search for "one-tw" as in:

        baloosearch "one-tw"

    can handle the truncated final component (the "tw")

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