--- Comment #14 from gessel <> ---
I noticed in three operations:

>From main window, face tab (left) -> scan for faces -> enter new label ->

>From tag manger -> create tag

>From tag manager-> delete tag.

certainly I can't say there aren't more locations.  

It is odd that the vast majority of operations worked normally, including
creating the database and geolocation operations, both in creating database
entries and in writing the metainformation to files.  

However, in these situations (at least) the operations failed due to, it would
seem, defaulting to null credentials:  ''@'%' INDENTFIED BY ''. 

I'm sanguine about the solution for me as this is a single user environment
without remote access, but it seems sufficiently suboptimal to justify
validation and repair.  I'm happy to patch and test or poke around further if
it will help.

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