--- Comment #5 from Angel Docampo <> ---
Do you want the files? I can send them to you, but I'm putting here the text
for a completely empty incoming webhook.

empty content: (sorry, this bugtracking has no markdown support like gitlab)

Received: Message:{
    "_id": "Yj3wcLPi2xfr2Gc65",
    "_updatedAt": {
        "$date": 1617087956309
    "alias": "",
    "attachments": [
            "channel": "#notifications",
            "color": "warning",
            "fallback": "Started: RunDeck Job Notification:",
            "fields": [
                    "short": true,
                    "title": "Job Name",
/ Deploy Special Affiliation Oraculum for Esmeralda FR>"
                    "short": true,
                    "title": "Project",
                    "value": "eonian"
                    "short": true,
                    "title": "Status",
                    "value": "Started"
                    "short": true,
                    "title": "Execution ID",
                    "short": true,
                    "title": "Options",
                    "value": "N/A"
                    "short": true,
                    "title": "Started By",
                    "value": "jordi.vilar"
            "icon_emoji": ":rundeck:",
            "title": "RunDeck Job Started",
            "ts": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    "bot": {
        "i": "CHRkkKgywmGAfG8FD"
    "channels": [
    "groupable": false,
    "mentions": [
    "msg": "",
    "parseUrls": false,
    "rid": "EGpqR23fNnjsTHua4",
    "ts": {
        "$date": 1617082008028
    "u": {
        "_id": "",
        "name": "Rocket.Cat",
        "username": ""

This other is for one showing partially some text 
Received: Message:{
    "_id": "bGPfZkAePkiCjEKPZ",
    "_updatedAt": {
        "$date": 1618402509618
    "alias": "Taiga (Angel Docampo)",
    "attachments": [
            "color": "warning",
            "fallback": "*status:* from *Initial tests* to *Done*",
            "fields": [
                    "short": true,
                    "title": "status",
                    "value": "*From* Initial tests *to* Done"
            "mrkdwn_in": [
            "ts": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    "bot": {
        "i": "nQnpkCztSqnGAXJhj"
    "channels": [
    "groupable": false,
    "mentions": [
    "msg": "Changed User Story: 
*<|#26: Buy
more RAM for the PVE Cluster>*",
    "parseUrls": false,
    "rid": "mLkrwMQaQ4uYtxvj8",
    "ts": {
        "$date": 1618402509599
    "u": {
        "_id": "",
        "name": "Rocket.Cat",
        "username": ""
    "unread": true

And this other is for one removing the links from hyperlinks, or at least,
clicking on them does nothing, and in order to show the message, I have to
click first on the"eye" icon.
Received: Message:{
    "_id": "zc2ZEfMBffRgqC6Wz",
    "_updatedAt": {
        "$date": 1617876860729
    "alias": "Héctor Rovira",
    "attachments": [
            "color": "#FF0000",
            "text": "Card moved: \"[test1](\"
from list \"TO-DO reunion' to 'Assigned-Waiting'\n",
            "title": "Campagne Manager",
            "title_link": "";,
            "ts": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    "bot": {
        "i": "aAqQRxwHoexx5MzJM"
    "channels": [
    "groupable": false,
    "mentions": [
    "msg": "",
    "parseUrls": false,
    "rid": "EGpqR23fNnjsTHua4",
    "ts": {
        "$date": 1617874423534
    "u": {
        "_id": "",
        "name": "Rocket.Cat",
        "username": ""

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