--- Comment #6 from Nate Graham <> ---
Well, we're down to three now. :)

Clearly we can't remove the name of the KCM from the list, so our only
remaining options are to remove it from the titlebar, the header, or both.

I think it's probably important to have it in at least one of those two places.
Having the same title shown in both a list and also the view itself isn't
uncommon at all and probably tolerable. :)

So the question is, which one can we remove?

If we remove the one in the titlebar and just make the window title always say,
"System Settings", then we'll lose the ability to see the name of the active
KCM in Task Manager items and tooltips. This is maybe not that big of a deal,
but would technically be a feature regression.

If we remove the the in the header, then we have a giant empty header area with
nothing in it, which is pretty awkward-looking IMO.

So I think we probably need to either remove the KCM name from the titlebar
text, or else find a way to export the full title to the Task Manager, while
only showing "System Settings" in the titlebar itself.

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