--- Comment #1 from David C. Bryant <> ---
I've done some more poking around. The messages that I can't access are
asociated with "dirty" items reported by akonadictl fsck. Here's some terminal

david@localhost ~ $ akonadictl fsck 2>&1|grep ^Found
Found 13 external files.
Found 13 external parts.
Found no unreferenced external files.
Found 0 parts to be moved to external files
Found 0 parts to be moved to database
Found 5 collections without RID.
Found 0 items without RID.
Found 3001 dirty items.

I've posted inquiries in the KDE forum and in some chat rooms. I'll report back
here if I get a response. I did do some spot checking, and the "dirty" items
are definitely causing the problem. Every message that can't be accessed is on
the list of "dirty" items. 

For about a year, akonadictl routinely reported 0 dirty items. Then, a couple
of weeks ago, there were 3,003 of them. I have no idea how or why that
happened. I think I can probably fix it by backing up all my emails and
clearing all the data files out of .local/share/local-mail, then loading all
the data back in there. But that would be a lot of work. I'm hopeful there's an
easier way to clean the dirt out of Akonadi.

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