--- Comment #36 from Scott <> ---
I think baloofilerc is the single source of config information, the GUI updates
it and prompts baloo to reread it. I think the GUI does do some other stuff
like the equivalent of a "balooctl check" when you include other folders.
Beyond that, I'm afraid I don't know.
I have tried various conf settings, if the, index file contents checkbox is not
ticked in the GUI then content indexing does not occur.

Please find following the result of probing the file for duration which was not
indexed by baloo.

scott@scottlounge:~/Videos$ ffprobe -v error -sexagesimal -show_entries
format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 ~/Videos/"File2 BD".m2ts

The result of, 2:23:21.801467 is correct. I tested the remaining 3 files in my
test directory and they were also correct.

By way of helpful information, this warning/note appears on the ffmpeg link in
your last post:
Note: Not all formats, such as Matroska and WebM, store duration at the stream
level resulting in duration=N/A. Refer to Format (container) duration instead. 

This appears to no longer be correct as some tests I did on some mkv files
returned a correct result for duration.

Were you getting these messages when you were running "balooctl purge"? In this
case you wouldn't get the command prompt repeated after the message.

It's over a year since I raised the issue, I cannot recall that level of

How are you quoting in your replies?

I refer back to my comment #19 where I described the makeup of my data files by
file type. What I did not say was that every file in my database was created by
me on this computer using the same software every time in the case .ts and
.m2ts and new versions of the same software in the case of .mkv files. Every
file is the result of me muxing the RAW data streams (video, audio and
subtitles) into one of the 3 containers. Every audio and subtitle stream is
broken down to its component parts and then rebuilt to the format I want. In
the case of audio every audio track is reduced to it's component wav file parts
using the same decoding codec and then encoded as DTS, either MA or normal. So
from a group perspective the only difference between files is the video codec,
in every other respect the files (in each group) are identical. The point being
that as advised in an earlier post it is not the video codec which is the
deciding issue as the same codec is sometimes indexed and sometimes not, though
codec version may possibly be an issue, which leaves, what as the deciding
issue as to whether baloo indexes metadata or not?

I have also looked at bit width of audio and video resolution and discounted
them as reasons for baloo not indexing them as just like video codecs some are
indexed and some are not. If I look at UHD files where the standards are much
tighter, eg all video files I have use the h.265 video codec the situation is
still the same, some indexed, some not. I could ffprobe every one of my 5000+
files and get a positive result for all of them because I made all of them in
exactly the same way.

There seems to be no problem with the files as they are playable on literally
dozens of players on both Linux and Windows as I have spent considerable time
testing various players for suitability for my own use.

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