--- Comment #13 from Toni Asensi Esteve <> ---

> I am not a developer, so my input is very limited. Lot's of things I simply 
> don't understand. 
> faq in krusader clearly says that should be installed in 
> /qt5/plugins
The git version of Krusader is not the official one :-) so that FAQ must be
talking about the official one.

> By the way for compilation I also needed libkf5notifications-dev.
Thanks for reporting (although the correct way to report a new issue is in a
new bug report :-) to avoid growing problems). A merge request has been
registered on, where I
used "empyreal@ukr" instead of your whole email address in order to avoid
spammer software getting your real address :-)

I've started a new virtual machine with Kubuntu 21.04, executed `git clone`
[...], `cmake` [...], `make`, `sudo make install`, and Krusader is able to
enter iso and zip and 7zip files, etc.

There, I executed:
    $ find / -xdev -name "kdesu" 2>/dev/null

    $ find / -xdev -name "kio_*.so" 2>/dev/null

    $ find / -xdev -name "krarc.protocol" 2>/dev/null
    $ find / -xdev -name "iso.protocol" 2>/dev/null

and every file of that list to be in its correct place, being consistent with
the list of 'We have "kf5/" path in following files:' that you wrote.

> Also consider adding "Ctrl + Shift + ," as default shortcut to open 
> Konfigurator.
> Of course user can add it manually, as I did, but it's no good =)
That's a good hint, would you start a new bug report and copy that information

> I reinstalled Krusader on Kubuntu 21.04. Ctrs + S Search window works better 
> on 21.04. Can be easily switched 
> by Alt + Tab. I take my words back =)
Thanks for reporting about it, I'm very glad that it works better!

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