--- Comment #5 from Michael <> ---
(In reply to Ivan Čukić from comment #4)
> I'm unable to replicate this on a live neon (updated to 5.7.2)
> If I only press meta+tab, meta+tab, meta+tab it alternates between the two
> last used activities - pressing meta+tab switches to the previous one (like
> with alt+tab for windows).

You're right, 'previous activity' alone does not have erratic behavior.  The
behavior of 'next activity' is erratic. I think the keybindings introduce a bit
of a delay, I'll describe how I trigger the race condition. I bind "next
activity" and "previous activity" to the forward/back buttons on my mouse. I
send dbus commands with xbindkeys. Pressing meta+tab and meta+shift+tab
introduces a bit of a delay so the race condition is less obvious.

#Previous Activity - forward button
"qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/plasmashell invokeShortcut 'previous

#Next Activity - back button
"qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/plasmashell invokeShortcut 'next

> If I press meta+tab,tab,tab, it goes through the list from the most recently
> used one to the least recently used one. 

So perhaps it will make sense why I preferred the behavior in Plasma 5.5:
there's no way to bind meta+tab+tab+tab to mouse buttons, and no dbus interface
I can use to replicate this. I don't think mimicking behavior similar to
alt+tab is a good justification for the change. For one, the activity bar
widget does not change around activity order, so there's no longer any useful
visual indicator to explain where you're going to go when you press meta+tab or
meta+shift+tab. I usually don't care to remember in advance which activity I
came from last, I just want to cycle through the activity bar. Next, I expect
people using more than 3-4 activities to be extremely small. When there are
only 3 activities running there is not really any benefit to changing the order
of activities around. Previously, with two shortcuts, there was always one
button to map to each alternate activity. With four activities running, only
one activity would require more than two presses. Pulling up a large activities
sidebar to remind you of all the choices is not as useful. In the alt+tab task
switcher case, it makes sense to observe the pop-up if you have 10 or 15
windows open. And finally, activating "previous activity" then "next activity"
does not necessarily return you to where you started if you send the commands
quickly enough. The commands are non-invertible. 

On top of those personal workflow preferences there is still the race condition
with "next activity." if "previous activity" returns you to the activity you
were using previously, what is a sensible behavior for "next activity" if you
haven't pressed "previous activity?" There is no next, you're at the end of the
line. I think at a minimum sending the 'next activity' command repeatedly
shouldn't make the Activity Switcher widget flip around unpredictably.

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