--- Comment #39 from empyreal <> ---
Nick, thanks for help!

It’s system problem. Krusader and cp worked same way. Why expect rsync work
another way? I wrote that I got problem after canceling cp process in Konsole.
I never had any problems with this drive, till I tried copying in Konsole. I
was noticing sometimes that copying speed was slow, but I didn’t copy 200-300
GB to this USB drive, because all backups were done on Windows. I copied small
volumes from time to time. I’ll test it again after I deal away with ro mount

I managed to awake USB drive from coma in Windows 10 with Device Manager
(Populate function somehow worked out) and formatted drive in AOMEI, because
Windows showed messages with errors. Now on Windows everything works as it
should – 5 GB in 2 minutes! No issues with USB drive detection and mounting.

On Kubuntu I still have mount problem.
It always mounts USB drive as ro file system:
drwxrwxrwx  1 user user  4096 sep 18 20:31 'Seagate Backup Plus Drive'

/dev/sdc1 on /media/user/Seagate Backup Plus Drive type fuseblk

$ sudo mount -o remount,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw /dev/sdc1
/dev/sdc1 on /media/user/Seagate Backup Plus Drive type fuseblk
rw now but still I can’t copy or create files.
It’s another issue, so I won’t flame here anymore.

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