--- Comment #4 from Ivan Čukić <> ---
> So this is based in the fact tha the user would use Meta+Tab something to 
> switch between
> activities and not use the mouse... I see... 

Not only that. The present windows kwin effect is used with a mouse - you get
an overview of all windows, you know which one to switch to, and you select it.
That window gets focus and you exit the present windows effect.

You can use QML or QWidgets, whichever you are more comfortable with. If you
are using QWidgets, you can use the KActivities::ActivitiesModel class to show
activities in a QListView or something like that (you would probably need to
pass it through a sorting proxy model to order them by name), while for QML you
have also the option to use ActivitySwitcher.Backend.runningActivitiesModel()
which is used in the regular switcher.

You can find the QML part of the code of the normal switcher in

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