--- Comment #1 from Mikel Pérez <> ---
this happens when the ibus tray icon is present. right now it is and these
process are running:

mikel     654866  0.3  0.0 536888 13380 ?        Sl   11:03   0:00
/usr/bin/ibus-daemon -r --xim
mikel     654900  0.0  0.0 449480  7536 ?        Sl   11:03   0:00
mikel     654901  1.0  0.3 3536140 106860 ?      Sl   11:03   0:01
mikel     654908  1.8  0.1 579544 46240 ?        Sl   11:03   0:01
mikel     654910  0.1  0.1 2166532 62152 ?       Sl   11:03   0:00
/usr/libexec/ibus-x11 --kill-daemon
mikel     654919  0.0  0.0 449176  6728 ?        Ssl  11:03   0:00
mikel     655104  0.0  0.0 375416  7448 ?        Sl   11:03   0:00
mikel     709968  0.0  0.0 221532   860 pts/2    S+   11:05   0:00 grep
--color=auto ibus

sometimes it does not autostart and doesn't happen and gtk apps follow KDE
keyboard layout

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