--- Comment #6 from gfunk <> ---

> Since you are using arch we can't get any useful backtrace :/ as it does not
> provide debug symbols as said in
> How_to_create_useful_crash_reports#Arch-based_distros_.28Arch.2C_EndeavourOS.
> 2C_Manjaro.29 you'd need to recompile plasma-desktop and plasma-workspace at
> least.
> It'd be great if a neon user would reproduce this. I myself don't.
> What is your hardware btw ?

ah jeez.. spent half the day trying to install plasma-workspace with symbols
included thought I'd got it all working correctly..

Tried to edit my first post with specs but couldn't

> Linux/KDE Plasma: Arch 5.14.14 kernel
> AMD graphics 6700XT (Mesa 21.2.4)
> 27" screen (1440p@140hz) connected via display-port
> audio routes through display-port to monitor output
> KDE Plasma Version: 5.23.1
> KDE Frameworks Version: 5.87
> Qt Version: 5.15.2

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