--- Comment #17 from Milian Wolff <> ---
I was more talking about this part from waqar's earlier comment:

The reason for the slowness is likely because very recently, a change was made
in ktexteditor that allows requerying the underlying completion source for
completions. The reason for requerying is to get more relevant completions
based on the newly typed characters, so for e.g you type


You get a list of completions as a result. You type 'movIt' and you get new and
more relevant completions. It's also important to note that the requerying
doesn't happen for every typed character although I very much wanted to do that
but it had two issues
- the completion pop up blinked every time you typed a char (very annoying) 
- it made kdevelop's completion too slow to the point that it was unbearable

So, the model is requeried but not for every character. 

I don't understand why that should be done on the model level, instead of on
the filter level afterwards - typing `mov` once should give you all results
already. then typing `movIt` would only reduce the result set?

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