
           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |FIXED

--- Comment #3 from ---
>Why dont you create a layout template and tell Latte from cmd to load it?
>all the above are already support with layout templates and a lot more that 
>just these actions.

Well this is intriguing to me... but I can't find any documentation about
"layout templates". Are you talking about the files in `.config/latte/*.latte`

If so, these are the files I would want to generate using a script. Perhaps I
want to dynamically add/remove applications based on what's available on the
current system, place docks on all available displays, or do any other thing
that I might like to with my docks. Not only that, but the way the template
files are structured, they seem to bloat pretty quickly when changes are made
(hence the `isInLatteDock` config key in each of the files). By the time you've
used and tweaked the dock to your liking, you can end up with a complex file
that is difficult to understand, and hard to know what from it is still needed.

At the very least, I wouldn't have to make the template by hand (which is prone
to error and forgetting what was set). I could instead have a script that is
easy to understand that can replicate my template on any system, regardless of
latte version, etc.

Also I've heard that moving these files between systems could cause strange
issues (crashes, etc) due to containment ID conflicts or missing .desktop
files. Is this not true?

Granting the best case scenario for all of that, how would I "tell Latte from
cmd to load it"? Is this using kwriteconfig5? And if so, can I tell it which
screen I want the dock on, and can I duplicate the dock as needed from the same
script? Can I add an application to the dock using the command line?

I think there's a lot of reasons to provide users with a way to automate the
configuration of Latte. As it stands, it is near impossible due to how the
config is set up (much like
`.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc`)... but the difference is
with that file, you can use plasma scripting to easily add/remove/configure
panels and widgets. It is understandable and repeatable across systems. I feel
users should be able to do the same thing with Latte... and like I said, the
functionality already exists in the code, I just need to be able to "hook" into
it from the outside. Whether that's through dbus, plasma scripting, or some
bespoke shell utility doesn't really matter, as long as there is a way to do

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