--- Comment #3 from Lluvia Alvarado <> ---
(In reply to Halla Rempt from comment #1)
> * Does this happen to all files for you?
> * If not, could you attach the file in question?
> * Please also attach the contents of the log field of help->report bug.

This is the first drawing I've made and it happened after re opening the file
when it already had around 22 layers and worked in it around 2 hrs adding like
10 more layers and saving constantly (I didn't checked the file inside the
folder to verify if it was being saved correctly, now I do that everytime I
save to make sure I don't lose my work) was confident that the program saved my
file after doing ctrl+s and seeing the interface indicate the save was done and
shutdown the program, the next day I reopened the file and found that all the
2hrs work was lost but the new colors added to my custom palette where there so
it saved the colors but not the layers. I don't have the original file since I
renamed it in order for it to save the new changes and until now the error has
not appeared again but I still check everytime the file in the folder after I
save, the renamed file is this one
if it helps, I also attached the log.

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