--- Comment #10 from Jeffrey Bosboom <> ---
I have found a workaround:
- launch KDevelop
- open the qt5ct configuration tool (`/usr/bin/qt5ct`)
- go to the Troubleshooting tab (all the way on the right)
- check the "Force raster surface" box (note this is a tri-state box, make sure
it's checked)
- click OK or Apply
- wait a few seconds

As long as KDevelop remains open, almost all of the interface is correctly
themed.  The only exception I see are the editor tooltips that show semantic
information when hovering a variable/function/etc., which are still
black-on-white (light).  If I close KDevelop and re-launch it, it uses the
default light theme again, and I have to re-run `qt5ct` and click OK (no actual
changes necessary).

The "Force raster surface" checkbox is a global setting, not tied to any
particular application, but it doesn't seem to have any negative effects on
Picard (the only other Qt application I use regularly).

The tooltip for the "Force raster surface" checkbox is "Make top-level widgets
use pure raster surfaces, and do not support non-native GL-based child
widgets."  KDevelop doesn't appear to be making special use of vector graphics
or OpenGL, so I'm not sure what this means, but maybe it's useful information
for you.

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