--- Comment #13 from Eric Armbruster <> ---
Tried again, this time with PROMPT_EOL_MARK set as you suggested. This seems to
have done the job. Reflow works as expected. That is already a nice workaround

Regarding your other question, this is what add-zsh-hook -L returns:

typeset -g -a preexec_functions=( omz_termsupport_preexec
_zsh_highlight_preexec_hook )
typeset -g -a precmd_functions=( omz_termsupport_precmd vcs_info _z_precmd
_zsh_highlight_main__precmd_hook _zsh_autosuggest_start )

and the following is my PS1

%{$oxide_limegreen%}%~%{$oxide_reset_color%} ${vcs_info_msg_0_}

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