--- Comment #177 from Simone Gaiarin <> ---
So I did some quite extensive test today with Neon Dev unstable (KDE 5.7.90) 
and seems that most of the problems are gone. I was suffering ALL the kind of
weird bugs connected to multi monitor.

Test 1:
Boot laptop (LAP)
OK Connect external monitor EX1
OK Switch position of LAP left to right of EX1
OK Set screens vertically misaligned
!! Set external monitor as primary
  -Panel moves to EX1 properly
  - Phantom panel is left on LAP. Impossible to interact with it. Restart
plasma to remove it.
OK Detach EX1
  - Panel moves to LAP
OK Reattach EX1
  Panel moves back to EX1
OK Close lid of LAP
  - Panel stays in place in EX1
  - All windows moved to EX1
OK Open lid of lap
  - Panel stays in place in EX1
  - Only windows originally in LAP move back to LAP
KO Suspend and resume (Intel related bug probably)
  - Monitor doesn't turn on
  - KScreen detects it as active ( I can move the mouse in there and I can see
it active in display configuration)
  - Need to detach and reattach EX1 to wake it up
Disconnect EX1
KO Connect HDMI1. Kernel panic I think. PC reboot. (Reproducible) [Not related
to Kscreen I guess]

Test 2
Boot with HDMI1 connected to avoid kernel panic
OK Tinker configuration of HDMI1 + LAP. 
OK HDMI1 primary. Suspend with HDMI1 connected, detach HDMI1, resume
  - Panel found in LAP after resume
OK Disconnect HDMI1, Connect EX1 and tinker configuration. EX1 primary.
OK Close the lid, suspend, detach EX1, resume
  - Panel found in LAP

So I really hope we solved it for real this time. Great job.

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