--- Comment #4 from ---
My issue has been marked as a duplicate ^ and I would like to point out that
there's a difference to this issue here. However, this could be considered a
sub-task or an issue that first requires this issue here to be implemented: I
was explicitly asking for TOCs for plain text files without markdown syntax:

you could just specify the syntax that denominates a header (or use the
default) and it would not display the text any differently than the rest of the
plain text (for example a .txt file): no colors and no larger font-sizes, the
only difference is that you have a TOC by which you can jump within and
structure your text document.

Please implement this once it works for markdown, it could be disabled by
default (have no header-denominator set).

Other than that I think this issue is important and if somebody looks for an
alternative QOwnNotes does have TOCs. Please answer this question once it's

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