--- Comment #7 from Manfred Musch <> ---
(In reply to Vlad Zahorodnii from comment #5)
> It looks like compositing stacking order differs from the real one, although
> I can't reproduce this issue. What do you do to reproduce this bug?

Now I think I have found the "moment"! I started with a new session, first in
the standard activity. There I opened on first workspace a program (Kontact -
which by the way I like very much), then I switched to workspace 2 and opened
two programs (in my case Falkon and Firefox, but it doesn't matter). Then
workspace 3 with three programs, moving one of these programs to workspace 2.
Then switching to workspace opening two new programs (Konsole and Gwenview).
All is working perfect insofar. And now comes the point. I switch to a second
activity, start there in one of my four workspaces two programs and in a second
workspace another program (the number of programs shouldn't play that role, but
I only mention it to reproduce my way - and I think it is a real-case scenario
for working). So far so good. But then: I switch back to the first standard
activity, workspace 1 (with the three programs) - and I have the problems. It
has obviously to do with switching between activities. I have read what other
users have written, and I think it was the same with then: the moving between
activities if you have opened programs/windows in other activities. I hope that
By the way: activities are a great concept. One of the main reasons I'm using
KDE Plasma intensively. The best way in my eyes to adapt your pc work to your
own needs!

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