Ismael Asensio <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/kwin/commit/3c5c079aa58b |ma/kwin/commit/034e99ba0ca8
                   |8c0cdf8ae2bf9fa8f01d2c53407 |52a047a2b26b8fb3d373afe2ec5
                   |f                           |1

--- Comment #5 from Ismael Asensio <> ---
Git commit 034e99ba0ca852a047a2b26b8fb3d373afe2ec51 by Ismael Asensio.
Committed on 03/07/2022 at 18:10.
Pushed by iasensio into branch 'Plasma/5.25'.

TabBox: Do not highlight selected window for fullscreen switchers

This helps improving performance on those effects, where the
highlighted window is not even shown.
FIXED-IN: 5.25.3

(cherry picked from commit 3c5c079aa58b8c0cdf8ae2bf9fa8f01d2c53407f)

M  +15   -4    src/tabbox/tabboxhandler.cpp

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