--- Comment #35 from Jakub Kuczys <> ---
> If this was working as you showed on the video, this would be a MAJOR issue, 
> because copy/paste cation is often used.

It wouldn't be because it is not a default configuration of Klipper. It
requires you to set history size to 1 and have "Prevent empty clipboard" option
not checked (on Plasma 5.25 this requires adding `NoEmptyClipboard=false` line
to the config file setting as I mentioned in the earlier comment). I thought
it's clear from the other people's comments on this issue and me including the
used Klipper configuration on all of the recordings that this requires a
specific configuration but I see now that I might not have made that entirely

> Log in to a test, vanilla user and see if the bug is visible there as well. 
> If not, this is a clearly a config issue, one that you are consistently doing 
> and replicating all over your installs.

All of these are run on an unmodified user, other than changing these specific
Klipper settings since that's part of the reproduction steps.

> If I understand it correct, in all cases for you, you are using virtual 
> machines?

Only the Manjaro test uses a virtual machine. Everything else was being run on
bare metal using a live USB image of the corresponding OS to ensure a clear
environment. The only changes made are the changes to Klipper settings. I
specifically did not use a virtual machine because I've seen that some of the
comments here mentioned virtualization and I wanted to show that it's
reproducible without it.

> I would be interested to see if this happens only in Plasma or in other 
> desktops as well?

Since it requires a specific configuration of Klipper, it doesn't apply to
non-KDE desktop environments since they don't use it. But since you asked, I
did try doing the same thing on GNOME shipped with Ubuntu 22.04 (without any
custom configuration as GNOME's clipboard manager that's responsible for
keeping the clipboard contents after exiting the app is entirely internal with
no user-facing interface and there are no features such as clipboard history in
it, you would need a separate app for that) and this was not reproducible.

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