--- Comment #12 from Nick Korotysh <> ---
I got h/w decoding (vaapi in particular case) working on X11!
but mentioned change seems to be vital in any case, "display" variable must be
passed as one of mpv initialization parameters.

all I did - just set environment variable `QT_XCB_GL_INTEGRATION` to "xcb_egl":
export QT_XCB_GL_INTEGRATION="xcb_egl"
this was based on comment on GitHub you pointed (it says that EGL context is
required for mpv) and this particular piece of Qt code

first of all I viewed which GL libraries are loaded by application. I was
surprised to see both '' and ''. but when looked closer (and
analyzed 'SMPlayer'+'mpv') found the difference - Qt applications also load
'' (very likely real OpenGL implementation) and mpv loads
'' instead. I already knew that Qt on X11 uses so-called 'xcb'
platform plugin and it has something called "GL integration", and 2 "backends"
are provided for that (exactly GLX and EGL), which very likely can be switched
on runtime somehow. I just went deep into Qt sources starting from
`QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer::createFramebufferObject()` found in your

P.S> please don't think that I know OpenGL specific on Linux, Qt Open GL
integration on something specific to mpv - I know neither of those! I just
familiar with Qt sources and its build process/dependencies on Linux and just
used information you provided.

so, I think issue can be marked as solved :) waiting new release in Debian
unstable repo :)

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