--- Comment #9 from Matthias Dahl <> ---
Since this also belongs here, I am copying and pasting from the Qt bug report
where I just added the following:

Ok, here what I have been able to debug:

Everything that uses something inherited from Flickable (like ListView) will
expose the issue. Scrolling will result in fractional positions for the content
which will cause (severe) font corruption. Since Flickable defaults
pixelAligned to false since its inception, those fractional positions are not
rounded. Switching pixelAligned to true, fixes the corruption entirely, like
expected. Most instances in KDE leave pixelAligned at its default, thus the
widespread problem.

As far as I know, subpixel positioning is currently only supported on Mac OS X.
Questions remains, how are those fractional positions handled on other
platforms – especially Linux? It seems like something is going terribly wrong
and corrupting the glyph cache.

Either way, I don't think fractional positions should result in a corrupted
type face whatsoever... or any kind of corruption.

Is there anything else I can do to further debug this and be of any help?

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