
           What    |Removed                     |Added
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--- Comment #25 from ---

I have the same problem. as this bug still exists I'd like to add info:

1. this might be a bug of KDE. this does not happen with linuxmint-cinnamon.
which I used previously for a long time.
2. I tried to reproduce the behaviour without encryption, but dolphin just
mounted the raid as expected.
2. I mounted my encrypted btrfs raid1 some minutes ago. right now there are
1015 different mountpoints in /run/media/username/.... 
3. this seems to slow down Dolphin.
4. unmounting does not work for me
5. I will add my steps to reproduce the behaviour, I hope this helps to resolve
the issue and I hope i got everything right below:

#expected behaviour:
#after 3x entering the passphrase, the btrfs raid1 is mounted only 1x as any
other device.

#workaround: mount manually as root. something like
#  mount <one of the three unencrypted btrfs raid1 devices> mnt

#steps to reproduce 100+ unwanted mountpoints:
#-part3-show 100+ mountpoints

#part1: setup loop devices
#danger: please protect your data! use a VM or something

# 3x allocate 1G
# add partition table and one partition
# create a loop device
for ii in A B C; do fallocate -l 1G $ii; parted $ii mklabel gpt; parted $ii
mkpart p${ii} btrfs 0% 100%; sudo losetup --show --find $ii; done

#passphrase will be 0000
echo -n 0000 > keyfile

#list loop device mappings
losetup -a
#lets assume its /dev/loop0 /dev/loop1 /dev/loop2 from now on!

#partprobe and then format as luks encrypted
for ii in 0 1 2; do sudo partprobe /dev/loop${ii}; sudo cryptsetup luksFormat
/dev/loop${ii}p1 keyfile; done

#open and map to /dev/mapper/A_map etc.
sudo cryptsetup --key-file keyfile luksOpen /dev/loop0p1 A_map
sudo cryptsetup --key-file keyfile luksOpen /dev/loop1p1 B_map
sudo cryptsetup --key-file keyfile luksOpen /dev/loop2p1 C_map

#format for btrfs raid1
sudo mkfs.btrfs -L test -d raid1 -m raid1 -f /dev/mapper/A_map
/dev/mapper/B_map /dev/mapper/C_map

#close/unmap encrypted partitions 
sudo cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/A_map
sudo cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/B_map
sudo cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/C_map

#partprobe again, dont know if needed
for ii in 0 1 2; do sudo partprobe /dev/loop${ii};

#part2: dolphin interaction

#close all dolphin windows
#open a dolphin window
#you should see 3x p1 under 'devices'
#click on each of the three p1 enter 0000 as passphrase -> error mounting. this
is ok, as all 3 devices need to be opened for btrfs to mount them

#now under devices you should see 3x 'test'
#click on one of them to mount. it should be an empty directory.

#part3: list mountpoints

#there should now be 100+ mountpoints for testXXXX
#unmounting is not always easy...

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