--- Comment #5 from ---
It's a tricky bug and for now it looks like it depends a lot on chance. I tried
the combination with Youtube + VLC, and that work flawlessly for my tests today
(failed before too). But Soundcloud + VLC with various pause/resumes gets the
widget in several incorrect states.
It could be that it works better when the widget is pinned, at least it *feels*
like it.

Problems that I found, but couldn't reproduce every time:

Problem 1: 
Step 1: VLC playing, Soundcloud playing → Soundcloud selected as main, playing
Step 2: VLC playing, Soundcloud paused → Soundcloud selected as main not
playing, VLC shown as not playing
Step 3: Close the Soundcloud tab in FF, VLC still playing → main: "No media
playing", I can still control VLC through its tab inside the widget, but the
widget's main tab refuses to acknowledge VLC
Restart of VLC fixed it.

Problem 2:
Step1: VLC playing, Soundcloud playing → Soundcloud selected ✓
Step2: VLC playing, Soundcloud paused → VLC gets selected ✓ but pause button is
grayed out.

Problem 3:
Step1: Click inside Dolphin on media file, VLC starts, plays → is shown inside
Step2: Instead, open VLC manually, open file inside VLC (drag from Dolphin),
click play → is not shown inside widget

My guess is that there are some events transmitted between media player and
widget that get lost *some* times. If only one event is lost, the media widget
gets in an invalid state that it can't recover from.

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