--- Comment #22 from Prajna Sariputra <> ---
I just tested changing that parameter to 250, 300 and 500, here's what I feel
regarding these options:

500: Way too fast compared to the other animations, and yet simultaneously it
also feels like how it was in 5.24 and before. I think this is because the new
animation mechanism makes the ending in particular relatively glacial, while
other animations either have a constant speed or even speed up towards the end,
and it is the ending that I would notice the most because that is when I end up
waiting for the animation to finish before moving on. So, with the new
animation mechanism the top speed ends up having to be higher in order for the
overall speed to match the old one, which was more constant speed wise.

250: Not a big change, doesn't quite nail it for me still but it is certainly
an improvement over the current setting of 200.

300: This feels good to me, noticeably faster over the current setting of 200
and yet not super fast like 500. One metric that this option meets for me that
the slower options don't is how long it feels like things are still moving
around/not yet settled once my finger stops touching the keyboard (this I think
is what led me to post this bug report in the first place, although I did not
realise exactly what it was back then). To put it another way, starting from
the global animation speed setting which I find comfortable for the other
animations I have to bring it up two notches to make the slide effect work
nicely with 200, while with 250 I only need to raise the global speed one
notch, and finally with 300 is where I don't feel any urge to tweak it any

In short, I think if that parameter was set to 300 when 5.25 came out I
probably wouldn't have noticed much of a difference, certainly wouldn't have
bothered to create a bug report about it.

Still, I can certainly make do with 250, while it still means I have to raise
the global animation speed one notch above the ideal point that's better than
two (which makes other animations blindingly fast), and I highly appreciate
that the change has been made in response to our feedback, so thanks so much!

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