--- Comment #2 from jesse <> ---
(In reply to Jack from comment #1)
> When I open a ledger, I more commonly want to look at existing transactions
> than to enter a new one.  Even for new transactions, I import far more than
> I manually enter.  Perhaps this can be a user configuration setting, but I
> would argue against it being the default.
> I would also point out that if you are going to enter a new location, you
> are going to need to use the keyboard, so typing the shortcut for a new
> transaction is only a few extra keystrokes, not a totally unrelated action.
> It also is reasonable to discuss which field has focus when a new
> transaction is started.  In this case, I agree on it being the date, and
> preferably the day part of the field, although my understanding is that (in
> master) it is the left-most field, which depends on the locale being used
> (MDY, DMY, ...)

Yes, I normally do the same. There are some accounts where my bank does not
allow for OFX/direct connect. Either they want me to pay for it or they just do
not offer it. In any case, for those I like to enter the transactions. 

At times, I also sit down with my receipts (paper or digital emails/texts) and
enter them to get a better picture of my financial status. At the end of the
month, I download the qif files and import them(I let kMyMoney do the

Perhaps I am the only one doing it this way and if so, that is fine. If the
team gets to this wish list item, it would be cool it not, and no one else
needed it, that is fine too. 

I do think it can be a setting. I just do not like to switch between the
keyboard and mouse too often. I, however, am not a UX expert so if there are
any, maybe they may have some good insight to share with us. 

It is also when I am manually entering transactions that I would find it useful
to have the program open a new transaction form after I close the existing
transaction I am working on. 

I think the current app image version and master both let you set the column
within the date field that you want to be the starting focus point. I change
between the month and the day all the time. :) 

Maybe if there was a keyboard short for changing the ledger field that the user
is looking at... that would also be cool 

Like ctrl-L for ledger list, then a search box to filter, arrow keys to high
light and then enter key to select. :) 

That can be another feature request for the future. I wish I could be more
helpful than just offering wish list items. working on studying the code.

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