--- Comment #1 from Steve Allewell <> ---
Thank you for reporting these issues and suggestions, sometimes a quick
question to the mailing list may have answered a number of these points.

The Tools>Draw function will produce full cross stitches for lines unless the
'Configure KXStitch' setting Editor>Tools>'Tools Fractionals' is enabled, in
which case it will produce a line using stitches that best fit the line and
these are often quarter or half stitches.  This is similar to the setting
Import>'Use Fractionals' which, when enabled will use fractional stitches when
importing images instead of just full stitches.

I don't intend to change this behaviour as you suggested.

The pasting functionality is by design as it may well be desirable to replicate
the whitespace (background) into the pasted area.  There is merge functionality
built in by pressing and holding the shift key before releasing the mouse
button or pressing [Enter] if using the keyboard to move the pattern being
pasted.  I have realised this is not documented, so my apologies for that and I
will update accordingly, possibly even adding a tooltip or a setting that
allows merge as a user default.

Feature requests:
- Select to do more : can you elaborate on what you would like to see here.
- The current tools in the page setup allow you to create whatever page layout
that you want and is fully documented.  If there is something else that you
would like to see, please provide more detail.
- I can look at adding shading to overlapped cells.


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