Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/kscreen/commit/5d3dbac4b |ma/kscreen/commit/e72a8d984
                   |bcdb47ff1d1292ca516363c55cb |c724748cf9034ce0df3a0b93468
                   |f57b                        |a975

--- Comment #11 from Nate Graham <> ---
Git commit e72a8d984c724748cf9034ce0df3a0b93468a975 by Nate Graham, on behalf
of Marco Martin.
Committed on 14/10/2022 at 14:11.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'Plasma/5.26'.

Use the osd window type

using the proper osd window ttpe forbids it to minimize, maximize or tile

(cherry picked from commit 5d3dbac4bbcdb47ff1d1292ca516363c55cbf57b)

M  +1    -0    osd/osd.cpp

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