--- Comment #21 from MikeC <> ---
I have finally been able to resolve this problem.  It turned out that way back
in the history of my machine when I originally set it up, I had used a DVI
monitor, and then a few days later plugged in an HDMI monitor and had the two
monitors connected for  a short period whilst I configured the displays, and
HDMI monitor after that has been the only monitor on the machine for the
following three years until now.  However removing the original DVI monitor
that was originally plugged in as a second monitor gave a phantom screen, that
was presented to KDE4 and then later to plasma as a unified screen output, and
the original panel that was assigned to the old DVI monitor had been displayed
within plasma just fine on the primary HDMI monitor until the kernel was
upgraded to the 4.7 series. At that point the phantom monitor attached to the
eDP1 screen was where the panel was being displayed and therefore no longer
visible on the primary HDMI display.
So in order to resolve this issue I logged on with kernel 4.6.4-1 running with
the erroneously assigned panel still displayed on the primary real monitor.
Then unlocking the plasma widgets, and removing the panel using the panel
controls, I then created a new default panel, configured it, and locked the
widgets again. Logging out and back in displayed the newly created panel
correctly on the primary monitor.

Then adjusting the xorg config to include the following lines allowed logging
out and back in with no phantom screen detected:

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier             "HDMI2"
        Option                 "Enable"  "true"

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier             "eDP1"
        Option                 "ignore"  "true"

Then upgrading the kernel to 4.7.4-1 and rebooting, allows the login from the
sddm screen to proceed normally and completes without any problem including
having the panel displayed on the only screen detected by kwin.
The xrandr output before and after these changes shows that prior to the steps
detailed above there was a phantom eDP1 screen, but afterwards there is only a
single HDMI2 screen - and now all is well.

I also found that Martin Graeslin has commented on the multi-screen issue in
the past at
and there is another post also mentioning this issue at:

So although the problem is resolved in my case, it looks like there are still
possible remnants of problems for systems where more than one monitor has been
connected and during multi-screen operation some screen configs have been
changed which can become an issue when the additional monitors are later

Whether any progress can be made by the original poster of this bug report
using a similar approach to that which fixed my issue will need to be answered
by Leslie Zhai.

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