--- Comment #2 from fotograaf <> ---
I am using the Linux appimage, not snap. 

I see what you mean however, when adding tags this does not seem to work this
way.  They can be added with far less diskreads&writes.
And at the end of the day, geolocation data is also just a tag. 
They seem to work different, tags and geolocation. 
It's like the tagging says 'ok, I know this file, add this tag and its XMP
data, just write it in the XMP'.
And when Geolocation is started, it's like it's a completely new program which
has not seen these files ever before - and therefore has to read them from

Again, in the main window when you tag a file, it's not completely re-read.
So there the necessary information to perform tagging is present.
Only the Geolocation module acts like it does not get this info. 

Extra info: It's much faster when files already have a geolocation. It doesn't
read the entire file first.

Debug: This is for a single file.  Is it me or does it read the metadata (which
the tagging module already has) 3 times??

^[[34mDigikam::DMetadata::load^[[0m: Loading metadata with "Exiv2" backend from
^[[34mDigikam::DMetadata::load^[[0m: Loading metadata with "Exiv2" backend from

^[[34mDigikam::DMetadata::load^[[0m: Loading metadata with "Exiv2" backend from
^[[34mDigikam::MetaEngine::save^[[0m: MetaEngine::metadataWritingMode 1
^[[34mDigikam::MetaEngine::save^[[0m: Will write XMP sidecar for file
^[[34mDigikam::ItemLister::listSearch^[[0m: Search result: 33973
^[[34mDigikam::MetaEngine::Private::saveOperations^[[0m: wroteComment:  false
^[[34mDigikam::MetaEngine::Private::saveOperations^[[0m: wroteEXIF:  true
^[[34mDigikam::MetaEngine::Private::saveOperations^[[0m: wroteIPTC:  true
^[[34mDigikam::MetaEngine::Private::saveOperations^[[0m: wroteXMP:  true
^[[34mDigikam::MetaEngine::save^[[0m: Metadata for file
"IMG_20140717_093012.jpg" written to XMP sidecar.

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