--- Comment #25 from Hexagon <> ---
Hi guys. I would highly recommend to add this issue to the "15 minute bug
I am using Plasma (Wayland) with these pixel bugs now for several months and it
is not fixed at all, contrary to some comments here. Only on some
configurations of monitor placement, resolutions and (important!) scaling the
border disappears. But one should not have to worry to set the scaling smaller
or bigger than wanted, just to prevent this ugly visual problem, which makes
Plasma look buggy from the very first minute of usage where you configure your
screens. Also it is a major selling point of Wayland, that now scaling works
correctly, important for newer Hi-DPI monitors. This would contradict, at least
for KDE Plasma.

Unfortunately I am not a C++ developer myself to provide a fix myself, but I
can provide testing data. Here are my findings:
-  I am testing with the program glxgears which provides a black background and
runs in Xwayland. Then I set my desktop background to full white. That way one
can see the pixel rows better.
- I am using a triple monitor setup with (from left to right): A:
2560x1440@150%, B: 3840x2160@200%, C: 2560x1440@150%
- I am using the newest release plasma-wayland-session 5.27.1-1 on Arch
- By chaning the scaling of the monitors A, B and C I can produce three
different states on all of them:
1) No borders at all (perfect)
2) Vertical pixel row on the right spanning up even to the header bar of the
window with the size of 1 pixel
3) Number 2 + Horizontal pixel row on the bottom with the size of 1 or 2 pixels

Thanks for your work in this. I hope we can get a real fix soon to make the
pixel border a thing of the past, regardless of monitor placement, resolutions
and scaling settings. If you need more information don't hesitate to ask.

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