--- Comment #16 from Michael Butash <> ---
Sorry for the delay, was sick or busy, so first chance I had to futz with the
desktop more.

> Ok, so for debugging purposes, let's forget about both nvidia-settings and
> xrandr and focus only on what happens when you use the Display & Monitor
> page in System Settings. 

I spent some time on this over the weekend recabling things, both under xorg
and wayland, resetting all the display properties up manually a display at a
time using only KDE settings, and found mostly the same behavior on either. 
The main panel and widgets simply will not follow the primary display
regardless of what KDE thinks is the primary display.

Short of wiping the whole .config directory, is there a better way to
selectively purge current display settings to let KDE refactor things or remove
any legacy fragments there might be?

> If you manually move the panel from the 4th display (priority 3) to the 3rd
> display (priority 1), does it thereafter follow changes to which screen has
> priority 1?

Any time I move the panel, it will only stay on the one marked primary as long
as the display geometry doesn't change, but ANY reset or change for me had the
panel jumping back to whatever it *thought* should be primary at the moment
despite where I moved it.  Past few days I've seen that be any of the displays,
it's almost random what one it picks to think is primary, but usually until I
restart the DE, it'll always stick to one in particular, but never predictably.

Because Cairo-Dock doesn't work in Wayland, I was attempting to use Latte Dock
as well, and what I found was where Cairo would follow what the system thought
was primary reliably, anything KDE, including Latte or any desktop-placed
widgets/panels followed whatever KDE thought was primary where the panels would
end up.  This seems to indicate all the KDE-y things alone seem busted.

This seems to be not helped by the fact that KDE doesn't seem capable of ever
putting my monitors back to the way there were between any forced hot-plug
events or reconfiguration events alone.  Not sure if this is a bug or feature
that it will do this, but when KDE keeps restarting and jumbling my entire
display, it certainly can't be helping.  I went so far as to put in EDID
spoofers to stop the madness of KDE forgetting my order/resolution/refresh
every time as bad behavior when I shut off displays, such was the recabling.

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