--- Comment #25 from ---
When export JPEG to WBMP from image editor, i can see that from the Terminal :

digikam.general: Trying to find a saving format from targetUrl = 
QUrl("file:///Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp")
digikam.general: Qt Offered types:  "*.avif *.bmp *.bw *.cur *.eps *.epsf
*.epsi *.icns *.ico *.jxl *.pbm *.pcx *.pgm *.pic *.png *.ppm *.rgb *.rgba
*.sgi *.tga *.wbmp *.webp *.xbm *.xpm *.tiff *.tif *.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe *.jp2
*.j2k *.jpx *.pgx *.pgf *.heic *.heif *.fts *.fit *.fits "
digikam.general: Writable formats:  ("avif", "bmp", "bw", "cur", "eps", "epsf",
"epsi", "icns", "ico", "jxl", "pbm", "pcx", "pgm", "pic", "png", "ppm", "rgb",
"rgba", "sgi", "tga", "wbmp", "webp", "xbm", "xpm", "tiff", "tif", "jpg",
"jpeg", "jpe", "jp2", "j2k", "jpx", "pgx", "pgf", "heic", "heif", "fts", "fit",
digikam.general: Possible format from local file:  "wbmp"
digikam.general: Using format from target url  "wbmp"
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Saving to : "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp" ( "wbmp" )
digikam.general: Saving file "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp" at -1
digikam.dimg: Prepare Metadata to save for "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
digikam.metaengine: JPEG image preview size: ( 1280 x 960 ) pixels - 263188
digikam.dimg: Saving to  "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp"  with format:  "wbmp"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file with Exiv2 backend:
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp  (Error # 11 : 
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp: The file contains
data of an unknown image type"
digikam.metaengine: Check ExifTool availability: true
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool "Load Chunks" "-TagsFromFile
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp -all:all -o -.exv"
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::readOutput(): ExifTool command completed
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete command for action "Load Chunks" with
elasped time (ms): 5
digikam.metaengine: EXV chunk size: 0
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool parsed command for action "Load Chunks" 1
properties decoded
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete "Load Chunks" for
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool has no data
digikam.metaengine: Loading metadata with "No Backend" backend from
digikam.metaengine: MetaEngine::metadataWritingMode 0
digikam.metaengine: Will write Metadata to file "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
digikam.metaengine: Cannot save metadata to image with Exiv2 backend:  (Error #
11 :  "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp: The file contains
data of an unknown image type"
digikam.general: "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/EditorWindow-NHHEVy-a0b08721.digikamtempfile.wbmp" true true
digikam.databaseserver: Running 30 seconds...
digikam.general: Saved QUrl("file:///Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/_test0.jpg") to QUrl("file:///Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
digikam.general: was versioned false current 750 "_test0.jpg" destinations ()
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file with Exiv2 backend:
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp  (Error # 11 : 
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp: The file contains data of an
unknown image type"
digikam.metaengine: Check ExifTool availability: true
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool "Load Chunks" "-TagsFromFile
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp -all:all -o -.exv"
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::readOutput(): ExifTool command completed
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete command for action "Load Chunks" with
elasped time (ms): 5
digikam.metaengine: EXV chunk size: 0
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool parsed command for action "Load Chunks" 1
properties decoded
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete "Load Chunks" for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool has no data
digikam.metaengine: Loading metadata with "No Backend" backend from
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.dimg: "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp" : "QIMAGE" file
digikam.dimg.qimage: Can not load " "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/_test0.wbmp" " using DImg::DImgQImageLoader!
digikam.dimg.qimage: Error message from loader: "Unsupported image format"
digikam.dimg: "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp" : Unknown image
format !!!
digikam.database: Scanning took 8 ms
digikam.database: Finishing took 1 ms
digikam.database: Copying properties from 750 to 759
digikam.general: Event is dispatched to OSX desktop notifier
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool "Load Metadata" "-json -G:0:1:2:4:6 -l
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.general: "Standard Exif Tags" decoding took 1 ms ( false )
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::readOutput(): ExifTool command completed
digikam.general: "MakerNote Exif Tags" decoding took 1 ms ( false )
digikam.general: "IPTC Records" decoding took 774 ms ( false )
digikam.general: "XMP Schema" decoding took 4 ms ( false )
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete command for action "Load Metadata" with
elasped time (ms): 4
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool Json map size: 10
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool parsed command for action "Load Metadata" 9
properties decoded
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete "Load Metadata" for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file with Exiv2 backend:
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp  (Error # 11 : 
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp: The file contains data of an
unknown image type"
digikam.metaengine: Check ExifTool availability: true
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool "Load Chunks" "-TagsFromFile
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp -all:all -o -.exv"
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::readOutput(): ExifTool command completed
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete command for action "Load Chunks" with
elasped time (ms): 6
digikam.metaengine: EXV chunk size: 0
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool parsed command for action "Load Chunks" 1
properties decoded
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete "Load Chunks" for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool has no data
digikam.metaengine: Loading metadata with "No Backend" backend from
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.general: Trying to get thumbnail from "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/_test0.wbmp" ( "image" )
digikam.general: Trying to get thumbnail with Exiv2 for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.general: Trying to get thumbnail with DImg preview for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.general: Trying to get thumbnail from Embedded preview with libraw for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.rawengine: Failed to load embedded RAW preview
digikam.general: Trying to get thumbnail from half preview with libraw for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.general: Trying to get thumbnail from Embedded preview with Exiv2 for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata with Exiv2:  (Error # 11 : 
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp: The file contains data of an
unknown image type"
digikam.dimg: "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp" : "QIMAGE" file
digikam.dimg.qimage: Can not load " "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
467675/_test0.wbmp" " using DImg::DImgQImageLoader!
digikam.dimg.qimage: Error message from loader: "Unsupported image format"
digikam.dimg: "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp" : Unknown image
format !!!
digikam.general: mimetype =  ""  ext =  "WBMP"
digikam.general: Cannot create thumbnail for "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
digikam.general: Thumbnail is null for  "/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool "Load Metadata" "-json -G:0:1:2:4:6 -l
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file with Exiv2 backend:
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp  (Error # 11 : 
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp: The file contains data of an
unknown image type"
digikam.metaengine: Check ExifTool availability: true
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool "Load Chunks" "-TagsFromFile
/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp -all:all -o -.exv"
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::readOutput(): ExifTool command completed
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::readOutput(): ExifTool command completed
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete command for action "Load Chunks" with
elasped time (ms): 5
digikam.metaengine: EXV chunk size: 0
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool parsed command for action "Load Chunks" 1
properties decoded
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete "Load Chunks" for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool
digikam.metaengine: Metadata chunk loaded with ExifTool has no data
digikam.metaengine: Loading metadata with "No Backend" backend from
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"
digikam.general: Metadata loading with Exiv2 took 10 ms ( false )
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete command for action "Load Metadata" with
elasped time (ms): 5
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool Json map size: 10
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool parsed command for action "Load Metadata" 9
properties decoded
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool complete "Load Metadata" for
"/Users/gilles/Pictures/BUG 467675/_test0.wbmp"

... nothing special. KImageFormats provide well the WBMP supports and it's
called, but image is a mess


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