ratijas <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |eworks/kirigami/commit/e84b |eworks/kirigami/commit/ac1a
                   |dc062c423c576ee6b6580ae0ffb |1dc333b36ca47869ada66e0d23e
                   |a7d23af39                   |e67bb31f9

--- Comment #3 from ratijas <> ---
Git commit ac1a1dc333b36ca47869ada66e0d23ee67bb31f9 by ivan tkachenko.
Committed on 04/04/2023 at 09:28.
Pushed by ratijas into branch 'kf5'.

OverlayDrawer: Fix z value being too high for OverlaySheets

Primarily, can be observed in Discover after the following steps:

1. Expand window, so that sidebar fits in non-modal mode (inline);
2. Shrink window until sidebar disappears;
3. Expand window back;
4. Open some app page for Arch repos or otherwise get an error message.
(cherry picked from commit e84bdc062c423c576ee6b6580ae0ffba7d23af39)

M  +1    -1    src/controls/templates/OverlayDrawer.qml

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