--- Comment #10 from David Chmelik <> ---
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #9)


> - See if you're running out of RAM

The example command to launch 20 programs simultaneously (including
resource-intensive) permanently halts KDE panel within 1sec (but works speedily
in XFCE) so it's not a problem of running out of RAM (which I checked using
'free' RAM information on command-line never happens in that short time rather
than a few days/weeks) rather than presumably a problem of CPU or graphics
usage/thrashing probably of panel, which I suspect if programs like a Usenet
newsreader or filesharing are doing millions updates (and they are) the panel
lately tries to update/blink/etc. for each of multiple millions and gets
overloaded...  If I start the 20 programs with a maybe minute between each, I
often do okay until more than one are doing millions updates again.  Programs
like top, btop, htop show high CPU activity when I start these 20, but it's not
always 100%, just sometimes close, so it's a bit puzzling why the panel isn't
using more a little more CPU resources if that could speed it up... if I turn
off number-crunching on the other 24 threads, in fact CPU threads usage is
overall rather low so it's possible it's not so much CPU as much as graphics
not being able to do multiple millions updates (but I don't know a command to
monitor graphics load).

> - Simplify your system bit-by-bit to see if any specific element is causing
> the issue; remove widgets-one-by-one; remove external screens, disable
> virtual desktops and Activities, etc.

I don't use virtual desktops nor activities, and only minimal and a couple
extra basic widgets: menu, task manager, clock, launchers that change into task
manager entries, weather forecast, and a cartoon/comic reader, which are
usually idle.    It's probable the problem is the task manager in the panel
trying to do multiple millions updates, but if I remove task manager, I may as
well remove KDE.  Panels aren't normally visible on the other screens so
probably are unrelated, but I can try again with temporarily unplugging those
screens, and as such will leave this as 'waiting for info' until I get to
that... if my report about the 'free' and (though might need more
investigation) top/etc commands are enough, you can change it to 'reported.

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