--- Comment #3 from Carl Love <> ---
I tried down loading and applying the patch from Paul to the Valgrind mainline. 
Head of the tree was:

commit d97fed7c3e4aa7c910dfa0b6c5de12fd6cf08155 (tag: VALGRIND_3_21_0,
origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Mark Wielaard <>
Date:   Fri Apr 28 17:30:04 2023 +0200

    -> 3.21.0 final

With the this commit, i.e. no patch, I get the following results from make
regtest on Power 10.

== 714 tests, 2 stderr failures, 0 stdout failures, 0 stderrB failures, 0
tB failures, 2 post failures ==
memcheck/tests/bug340392                 (stderr)
memcheck/tests/linux/rfcomm              (stderr)
massif/tests/new-cpp                     (post)
massif/tests/overloaded-new              (post)

With the patch for massif to filter_IPs hadles inline functions, I am seeing
new failures on Power 10.

= 714 tests, 2 stderr failures, 0 stdout failures, 0 stderrB failures, 0 stdou\
tB failures, 6 post failures ==
memcheck/tests/bug340392                 (stderr)
memcheck/tests/linux/rfcomm              (stderr)
massif/tests/alloc-fns-B                 (post)
massif/tests/deep-B                      (post)
massif/tests/deep-C                      (post)
massif/tests/deep-D                      (post)
massif/tests/new-cpp                     (post)
massif/tests/overloaded-new              (post)

The diff output for new-cpp looks unchanged from the base run (i.e. no patch).

The diff output for deep-B is as follows:
---     2023-05-01 16:49:31.458553002 -0400
+++     2023-05-01 18:15:57.327511581 -0400
@@ -46,13 +46,15 @@
   8          3,264            3,264            3,200            64           
   9          3,672            3,672            3,600            72           
 98.04% (3,600B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns,
-->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a5 (deep.c:23)
-  ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a4 (deep.c:24)
-    ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a3 (deep.c:25)
-      ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a2 (deep.c:26)
-        ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a1 (deep.c:27)
-          ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: main (deep.c:35)
+->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a11 (deep.c:17)
+  ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a10 (deep.c:18)
+    ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a9 (deep.c:19)
+      ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a8 (deep.c:20)
+        ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a7 (deep.c:21)
+          ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a6 (deep.c:22)
+            ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a5 (deep.c:23)
+              ->98.04% (3,600B) 0x........: a4 (deep.c:24)

   n        time(B)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)   


The output for deep-C at first glance looks identical.

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