--- Comment #15 from Carl Love <> ---

I did the following tests on a Power 10 system with Fedora release 36.

I ran the mainline Valgrind with the 3.21.0 final commit at the top (commit
d97fed7c3e4aa7c910dfa0b6c5de12fd6cf08155 )
The results are:

== 714 tests, 2 stderr failures, 0 stdout failures, 0 stderrB failures, 0
stdoutB failures, 2 post failures ==
memcheck/tests/bug340392                 (stderr)
memcheck/tests/linux/rfcomm              (stderr)
massif/tests/new-cpp                     (post)
massif/tests/overloaded-new              (post)

I then ran your try-massif tree which has 6 of your patches on top of the
mainline Valgrine 3.21.0 final commit.  So, we have a good base line 
comparison for your changes.

I see the following failures:

== 715 tests, 2 stderr failures, 0 stdout failures, 0 stderrB failures, 0
tB failures, 0 post failures ==
memcheck/tests/bug340392                 (stderr)
memcheck/tests/linux/rfcomm              (stderr)

Both failures also occur in the mainline run.  Your branch fixes the massif
tests cleanly.

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