--- Comment #13 from ---
Created attachment 159527
procmon log (sysinternals)

This is a procmon log of switching preview to a new image.
You can see that the same file is opened multiple times (first 200 kB, then
complete file, then 200 kB again).
Also main read buffer size seems very small (4 kB).
However the most time consumption is between the file read accesses.
670 ms consumption between function calls:
  _ShowFoto::ShowfotoFolderViewSideBar::setCurrentPath(QString const&)
 _Digikam::EditorCore::load(QString const&, Digikam::IOFileSettings*)
160 ms file i/o read 2.6 mb in 4 kB chunks
670 ms consumption between functions calls:
  _Digikam::EditorCore::slotImageLoaded(Digikam::LoadingDescription const&,
Digikam::DImg const&)
  _Digikam::LoadingCacheFileWatch::addedImage(QString const&)

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