--- Comment #18 from pallaswept <> ---
(In reply to Harald Sitter from comment #16)

> which is why I've outlined a more comprehensive solution.

A more comprehensive solution is definitely required in the long run but we
don't want to wait and keep this bug active and causing crashes for the long
run while we congregate to plan the best, most comprehensive solution, when an
interim solution is simpler and effective. Doing both is an option, and it's a
good one.

> I cannot reproduce it picking up subdirectories.

Nor can I, and yet it definitely does, because it happened to me. I can provide
a backup of a file with such entries if hard proof of the behaviour is
required, but *all* of the posts in this bug report ought to suffice for
evidence - in fact I could provide a backup of the entire filesystem and repeat
my behaviour until I can reproduce it.... but let's not get distracted. That
behaviour of including subfiles/folders has been the *exclusive* cause of
reported failures. It's obviously a real thing, regardless of our inability to
reproduce it. The point of reproducing the cause of a bug is to find a
solution, but in this case, we don't need a reproduction process to solve it.
Let's not get caught up in process for the sake of process.

> In any case that's just incidentally triggering the bug. If you make a folder 
> with 1 million files on your desktop it'd exhibit the same defects, 

You're completely correct that there are many other ways to trigger this bug.
As I also mentioned in my above post, since existing entries are not removed
(at least, not reliably), you could just create a single entry and remove it
and repeat that process a million times. I'm sure that between us we could
imagine up a few dozen at least.... 

So yes, you're completely correct that a more comprehensive solution is needed.
In fact, you've highlighted a whole new conundrum, which is that there's the
ability to store the desktop position of more files than can be positioned on
the desktop - there's a grid size and a desktop resolution and that presents a
hard limit to the number of records that should be kept, and yet, it'll
presently happily store a million of them even if I can only fit a few hundred.
That doesn't make any sense at all. You're right on so many levels, a more
comprehensive solution is required.

But let's not ignore that the only *real* trigger for this bug so far, is the
addition of subfolders/subfiles of desktop entries. That behaviour being
stopped should be priority 1 because it is cause number 1 out of a total of 1,
that actually triggered the bug in the real world. 

After that, we can think about how it's finding those files, why it's adding
them, why it's not removing them, why it allows more than are even possible to
fit, etc, etc, etc, and find a real, comprehensive solution. We can do BOTH!

> patches welcome :)

And as I also mentioned in my post above, let us beware the trap of capable,
skilled, and experienced individuals (that obviously includes you) shifting
responsibility to theoretical volunteers, because it's proven to result in bugs
persisting for years on end while planning the best and most comprehensive
solution becomes the only step taken and the problem persists indefinitely.

Meet us in the middle here mate.  I'll volunteer my time to provide as much
assistance to you as possible, both to author an interim solution that prevents
the addition of items beneath the desktop (as opposed to *on* the desktop), and
to design and author a comprehensive solution. 

Right now, all we need to know is the function which adds items to this entry,
and insert a check that the target file is actually *on, not beneath* the
desktop. By the sounds of your post, you're a person with the knowledge and
skill to identify that function and add the check in no time flat - it's a
couple of lines of code in the right place, and by the way you're talking, it
sounds like you already know the place and have the skill to write those couple
of lines with ease. Please, don't waste your ability to solve a real problem
with a real solution, real fast, in order to find a perfect solution for a
theoretical problem, much later. You can have that cake and eat it, too.

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